The West Carroll Recreation Council (WCRC) is a not for profit recreation council sponsored by Carroll County Recreation and Parks (CCRP). As a result of the merging of the New Windsor and Union Bridge Rec Councils the WCRC was established in November 2002 for residents of all ages. Guided by the CCRP, the mission of the WCRC is to provide affordable recreational activities and sports programming to the county citizens.The WCRC is governed by a volunteer board and serves the communities of New Windsor, Union Bridge and Taneytown and we abide by the following
2023 Executive Board Members
Stephanie Clavell - President
Marie Bitzel - Vice President Jenny Hobbs - Secretary
Carrie Ames - Treasurer
Eric Myers - New Windsor Liaison
Vacant - Taneytown Liaison
Brad Rockwood - Union Bridge Liaison
2002 Founding Executive Board Members
Jeff Hook - President
Brad Rockwood - Vice President
Karen Brown - Secretary
Sandy Sullivan - Treasurer
Steve Linkins - New Windsor Town Rep.
Kim Eckard - Union Bridge Town Rep.